
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Happy Birthday to Lucy

Reposting this blog post by Tanna who was adopting Lucy from Russia. Such a sad beautiful post to this sweet baby girl.

Happy birthday, baby girl. Today we will celebrate for the third year without you...our hearts will be heavy and our eyes will fill with tears when we least expect it.Birthdays and holidays are so hard.

 We will sit around the table and look at the four candles on your cake and pray for your heart, health, safety, but most importantly your future. We will boldly ask God for a miracle because we don't know how to give up.

When you were carried through the director's door three years ago, you not only filled our arms but you took up permanent residence in our hearts

We surrendered your life to God and trusted that our traveling around the world to love you was not in vain. We have seen Him work in mighty ways in your life over the last three years. When your video and pictures were published several months ago we laughed, cried, and praised God for breathing life in to your baby house. The sedated, limp child we met was no more. Your eyes sparkled. You worked so hard to put one foot in front of the other and I believe you are probably walking by now. You knew how to reach for a toy and play with it appropriately. Simple things that most parents take for granted but we knew this was BIG! God showed the director and nannies that your life mattered and from your video, we can see that you have blossomed under the improved care.

Many changes are ahead for you this next month as you will leave behind the only home you have ever known. We believe the institution you will be transferred to will take care of your needs and we will continue to whisper prayers of protection. We will specifically pray that you will be in a room with your friend Adalyn and the transition will be easier because of that.

Who could ever imagine going from three to four candles could bring so much change in a child's life? Next year, we plan on celebrating your birthday with you. We trust that God has a plan for your future and we refuse to give up. Yes, we are stubborn. We will continue to hope that your future will include a mama and daddy, brothers and a sister.

We love you, sweetheart. When you sleep at night, I hope your dreams are filled with memories from our days together. I hope you feel us rocking you to sleep, kissing you over and over, and our gaze as we marveled at your absolutely perfect, angelic face. When we held you close, our hearts would beat together proving that blood does not make a family.You were instantly our baby girl.

I love you,... I will continue to pray for you,.... I will never give up.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. Prayers are with you Tanna today and everyday. Believing God to move these mountains of opposition in Jesus Name. She is precious. I am So sorry.
